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la bam

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  1. Yes, the no built in tuner drives me mental!! It's got everything else in the world on it. .... And no tuner. Crazy decision. It'd be the perfect all in one solution if it did.
  2. I've been in a few good tributes, and left for various reasons. For me, it's about one thing - it's not the looks, not the sound, not the stage antics - but it's about the "experience". That's what makes a good tribute. A great night out. A good resemblance to instruments, costumes, sound, looks all help sell that experience. I also fully believe you need to have a bit of yourself in their too to make it appear authentic.
  3. x2 Chauvet LFS75 dmx gobo projectors. (listing is for both for £200). Amazing lights, simply add a gobo of your choice (have your bands name/image etc made) and point and focus and you're all done within 5 seconds. Much easier than backdrops and banners. Lightweight as the use a 70w led. (do not confuse with 70w worth of leds. This is a massive led, very very bright). Also has colour wheel, dmx or standalone control and more. These were around £450 each when new, so quite a bargain. Pick up Leyland Lancashire or could look at posting around 20-30 pounds.
  4. I've often thought of this. In my experience everyone would do this.... 1. Buy one high end bass. Love it. 1.5 start lusting after 15 Harley Bentons. 2. Sell high end bass. Buy 15 Harley Bentons. Love them. 2.5 start lusting over one high end bass. 3. Sell Harley Bentons and buy one high end bass. ~~~~~~~~ 99. Sell Harley bentons and buy high end bass. 99.5 start lusting after one high end bass. ~~~~~~ I love my Harley bentons. I love how it's almost impossible to lose money on them. I love that you don't have to look after them that much or worry about them at a gig. I love how you can try all different variations of bass guitar without breaking the bank. They also sound great, look great and play great. Nothing stops my lusting after a high end bass again though.....
  5. Cool bass this one. Harley Benton Bass Guitar MB4 Stealth Black. The matte black is very cool, works very well. Matching headstock and dark neck too! Sounds great, nice and rich. I've shielded the cavities so there's no noise too. I played this in our Oasis tribute last week - sounded great. Nice and rich. These are passive, so no electronics or batteries to worry about. Yes - a passive stingray! In really good condition, just the usual buckle rash on the back. Pick up Leyland Lancashire
  6. I've a few of these. I absolutely love them. I gig them in our function and tribute bands as my main basses.
  7. This is a lovely colour, more deep reddish than the recent dark brown ones.
  8. I'm not sure what's going on, but I'm suddenly unable to upload photos?
  9. I love these basses and have a few of them. They're great quality, look great, easy to play, 24 fret too! The sounds are really really good. And I mean that. 5 way toggle switch and active hi mid lo control. This is in good condition and at £100 is unbelievable value. I took the scratch plate of this one and it looks lovely. Pick up Leyland Lancashire
  10. The year Sam ryder came second was brilliant. And I mean that in the way everyone knew Ukraine would win so they all voted for the UK so we would have to host the next ridiculously expensive event without the glory of winning. It was a Europe wide stroke of comedy genius Year after, back to nil points. Which made it even funnier!
  11. Itd be a massive deep dive - all the fx would take a full video each to review. Honestly, they're that good! And there's loads and loads of them! Ive had the 210 a few months and haven't even delved into 5% of it yet!
  12. It's an odd bass. On one hand I've really grown to like them. And the looks. It's also great they've done a sub version. However, when you look at it objectively there's no control for tone or anything, so if the pick up isn't great you're stuck with it. Bonus if it's good though. Although, you're paying for less options and flexibility than a standard sub. As I say, it's weird. And cool.
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